Christmas Picture Frame
My sweet daughter Candice Faye died October 24, 1994, four days before her 13th birthday. We were devastated. In between Aimee and Robbie, she was the glue, the laughter, the love.
As the holidays approached the next year, we were all wondering how to cope, when my youngest sister wrote this poem.
This is the time of year
When we give to each other
The greatest gifts of all;
Our time together,
Our memories.
For us there will always be, at Christmas,
An empty chair, an unbought gift
A smile not shared
For someone is missing ~
Whose caring and love
Created joy in abundance
For all blessed enough
To have known her.
It is my prayer
That I may be
To have been included
In the parenthesis in time
That was her life
And for my memories of her.
With love for Candi, Aunt Patti 11/97
This loving tribute was and is a tender reminder, that, although we miss her terribly still, we will always have our memories of The Gift of Candi in our lives. Wendy Vaniglia, Mom
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